Irina ratushinskaya to my unknown husband birthday
Irina ratushinskaya to my unknown husband birthday gift
Even in our darkest moments, poetry helps us endure.
Irina ratushinskaya to my unknown husband birthday
An evening with Irina Ratushinskaya and her husband Igor Geraschenko, answering questions at the Westminster Theatre, London, 23rd April, 1991.
Irina ratushinskaya to my unknown husband birthday party
After working as a primary-school teacher, she graduated in physics from Odessa University, and, in 1979, married Igor Gerashchenko, a human-rights activist.
Irina ratushinskaya to my unknown husband birthday images
The Ukranian Christian poet Irina Ratushinskaya was arrested on 17 September 1982 and charged with 'anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda'.