Autobiography of shakunthala devi
Essay on shakuntala devi in 200 words
Shakuntala Devi (4 November – 21 April ) was an Indian mental calculator, astrologer, and writer, popularly known as the "Human Computer".
Shakuntala devi biography pdf
Shakuntala Devi- The Human-Computer of the world as she was called made a great contribution to maths.
Essay on shakuntala devi in 500 words
Shakunatala Devi is a well-known mathematical genius and calculating progidy from India.
20 lines on shakuntala devi
Shakuntala Devi: Biography, Contributions and Facts A household name throughout our country, Shakuntala Devi – famously known as “the human computer” was someone who carved a name for herself in Indian history as a mathematical genius and writer, in a country where women in STEM research fields are underrepresented even today.